I'm sitting here in my cube at the "green mermaid coffee company" for the second to last day. My intuition was correct in my last post back in May (wow, I do suck as a blogger) and my manager's last day was June 26th. June 25th, I applied to an architecture firm that turned out to be my friend's. The interview process was via text and email and only one phone call. No portfolio planning. No worrying what to wear that looks professional... and fits. No nervousness. It was perfect.
My first day is August 15th (after some much needed R&R - and home organizing). I'm excited for this new journey. It was a paycut, but the work/life balance should prove to outweigh the loss in money. The firm is closer to home and I don't have to rely on the LIRR to get me there. Which brings me to the next new thing for us...
from toyota.com
Meet "Heidi" the Highlander. I love it!! It was a spur-of-the-moment purchase... what isn't for us. ;-) I had to sell my "green mermaid coffee" stocks before I left so I wouldn't lose that money. So we traded in "Ravioli" my RAV4 and upgraded. It will make driving to work enjoyable. Peter was always the one to get a new car. I was content with what I had and planned on driving it into the ground. But during my birthday dinner, he told me he was thinking about what to do with that money and told me that at 35 (ouch) I deserved a new car. Something bigger for Nicco (and Oreo) and an upgrade from my base model RAV. Who am I to turn him down. So the following week we spent his birthday at Toyota. He drove a hard bargain, but we got them to bend with the trade-in amount and drove home later that day with Heidi. And yes, I name my cars. Every car I've driven has had a name... "The Shaggin Wagon" (my beige wagon was named after the Dog mobile in Dumb and Dumber), "The LIPA Mobile" (my blue wagon was similar to what the people who worked for the power company drove), "The Rollerskate" (the Geo Tracker... need I say more), "Cory" the Corolla (may she rest in peace - I still miss her. She was a great car and my first new car.), "Ravioli", and now "Heidi".
N is now 8 months old! Time keeps ticking...

He crawled in on his own and Oreo actually followed to the "IN" command. Please don't call CPS. ;-)
N's been crawling since July 9th and has been pulling himself up to stand for about a week. I bet he's walking soon. He's "talking" more and more. He sounds like he wants to say "Dog" or "Oreo" (he mimicks us after we yell at Oreo for stealing something). I bet "Oreo" is his first official word (besides mama and dada). He hates to sit still and is always on the move. Let the fun begin!!