I've been meaning to post since this past Thursday, so here's three posts in one...
Thursday, May 17, 2012:
I'm definitely ovulating today (sorry if that's TMI). A year and 1/2 ago I'd be racing home to Peter to "catch that egg". I'm actually kinda sad. I forgot what it's like to not "try". Today the ewcm and ovulation pains (forgot how bad they are) are going to waste. Maybe in a year. ;)
I just saw my reflection in the window of a passing bus. I looked old, unhappy and almost unrecognizable. I have no explanation other than my usual suspects... work, commuting, work. When will I change my stars?
Friday, May 18, 2012:
Six months ago today you were in my belly; happy as a clam and not wanting out. I, on the other hand, was preparing for induction and your arrival. I wish I remember exactly how I spent the day (most likely on the couch with Oreo) so I could get the whole picture, but everything before you is a fleeting memory. Time before the moment I left the house for the hospital that Saturday night is vague. You have changed everything and I love you for it! You are the reason I smile. I love you sweet Nicco!
Mommy and Daddy stayed home with you today. You don't feel well. Poor baby has a cold. We both fibbed to our bosses ("my wife can't stay with him" "my husband can't stay with him") so we can have the day as a family. This upcoming weekend is busy. I hope we get to rest next weekend, Memorial Day weekend. The unofficial start to summer!
Sunday, May 20, 2012:
Happy 6 Months Nicholas!! I can't believe how much you've changed and have changed Mommy and Daddy. We love you and can't wait for the next 6 months. Ok, that's a lie. We can wait. We love the 6 month old Nicco. You've got the greatest chubby thighs. The smile that lights up a room. The cutest little giggle when I "zurbert" your thighs and belly and when I tickle your neck. You can roll from your tummy to your back (you seem to like being on your back best) and can sit up somewhat unassisted. You've mastered the walker. You can't quite get the sippy cup yet; you just use it to chew on. You love all the fruits and veggies Meema has made for you and gobble them up. Everything goes in your mouth! Even my shirt, scarf, necklace, hair... anything! You like covering your head with your blanket or bib. You usually wake up stuffed in the corner of your crib. And when you do wake up, you just lay there talking until we come in to get you. You're such a sweet little boy. I love watching you grow and explore.