Four 1/2 year old Rat Terrier for sale!
No, how could I get rid of my "first born"? But this morning I was very close to just walking away.
Every morning is the same routine, Oreo stays curled up in bed while I get ready for work after Peter leaves. After I put on my shoes, I scoop him up and bring him to his crate downstairs. Well this week, he has decided that under the bed is a better place to be. Monday, he was fine; Tuesday I caught him just as he was "army crawling" underneath; Wednesday he got under the bed, but I left him there because I was in Jury Duty and knew I wouldn't be gone all day. Yesterday was another good day... then came today. Friday of all days, a day I have a 9:00 confrence call and can't be late. I was brushing my teeth when I heard it... the unmistakable thud of a 20 pound terrier crawling into a 8" space. So I put my shoes on, went outside like I was leaving, I even started my car, came back in expecting to be greeted at the door. Nope, he was still under there. Here's where the breakdown happens...
I'm on the floor begging and pleading... who am I kidding? I was screaming... for him to get out. I'm even poking him with the wand to our mini-blinds (which needs to be fixed by the way). Nothing, but my exhausted hormonal breakdown. Tears started flowing and I couldn't catch my breath. I was a mess. I went to the bathroom to wash my face when I saw it... sitting in the soon-to-be nursery... the vacuum! Oreo's nemesis! I'm a genius!! I brought it over to one side of the bed, turned it on and watched him run. He jumped into his bed and leaving the vacuum running, I scooped him up, turned it off, and brought him downstairs. He knew he was bad. As I carried him down the stairs, he turned to look at me with sad eyes as if to say "I'm sorry Mommy" and started licking my tears. I felt like such a horrible mother. I wanted to stay home and cuddle him all day. It took me a long time to calm down. I sat with my sunglasses on the whole train ride to hide my red puffy eyes and the tears that were still falling. I'm a wreck today.
Hopefully in the months before Turkey is born, we can teach Oreo the "IN" command and remind him that his comfy crate is a good thing.