The big event since my last post was the birth of my nephew Joseph. Here's the story...
Friday, September 10, 2010, I saw Megan pregnant for what would turn out the last time. We were at our Aunt Jineen’s and Uncle Josh's house for his birthday. Megan was done being pregnant and didn’t want to wait until her due date on the 19th. She was ready to try spicy food… or anything for that matter.
Saturday, September 11th, Chris made Megan spicy taco’s for dinner.
10:25pm Saturday night I receive a text from Megan... "Umm heads up I think I'm in very early labor".
10:58pm Saturday night I receive a text from my Mom... "Looks like Meg is in real early labor. Will keep you posted".
Needless to say I didn't sleep very well… besides our neighbor's loud party (we couldn't complain, we were there until 10:15) the thought of my Sissy in labor, gave me some sympathy pain.
September 12th…
4:35am Sunday morning I receive a text from my Mom... "Going to the hospital, still has some hours to go."
Once again, I couldn't sleep. At first I thought I'd go back to sleep for an hour or two and then leave for the hospital at around 7ish. Well, that didn't happen. I daydreamed for an hour and a 1/2 (including hearing a voice say "what are you waiting for" - I think that was my late Grandfather) then when my alarm went off at 6:00am (I leave it on all week) I figured it was a good time to go.
I think it was around 6:25 when I left. I stepped out the front door to a beautiful sunrise.
6:37am Sunday morning I receive a text from my Mom... "Going to be awhile - still only 2 centimeters but pain is increasing." My response... "Well I'm on my way. I couldn't sleep"
Around 6:45am I arrived and was let in the L&D room. My Mom thought I was going to hang out in the waiting room… how could I? She had just gotten a dose of pain meds (don't remember the exact name but it's similar to demerol). She was feeling good and quite hysterical with her description and finger show of how many centimeters she is now and where she has to be. After that she was able to get some sleep. Once that wore off she had some big contractions. My mom is a great coach and got her through them all. Megan was a champ.
When the resident came in to ask the typical medical history questions, Megan was quick with a response to “what brought you in this morning?”… “I swallowed a watermelon”. God I love her!
The coaches (Mom, our "sister" Melissa, and I) took a break and went down to the cafeteria for some tea and coffee at around 9:45am. It’s important to let you know that I ate a yogurt and strawberry parfait (my first “meal” of the day).
After a while in bed Megan (with some persuasion from me and Mom) decided to get up and find a better position. The best (and what would prove to help things progress) was kneeling on the floor with her arms in the chair. Gravity alone was awesome. She stayed in this position for a while until she needed to be examined.
I tried to brush her hair and put it up out of her face... she said she was having dance competition flashbacks when I used to hurt her and her scalp. =) Luckily for her I was gentle since Joseph wasn't.
At 1:30pm she was examined to determine if she could get an epidural. She was at 4cm. They broke her water and requested the anesthesiologist.
At 2:00pm we were kicked out of the room for a ½ hour while she got her epidural. Chris, Mom, Melissa and I hung out in the hall. I can’t stand still so I did some tap dancing to entertain everyone. Then we found some supplies. I figured I would need a hat and mask. Originally taken to entertain Megan… they weren’t needed, she would be our entertainment.
It was really interesting to see her have contractions without knowing about them. Megan was “back” and entertaining us with her silly self. She did rest some, but we got bored when she slept.
Her coaches were surviving on rationed cashews throughout the day that my Mom had with her. 1/3 of a small jar of nuts does not keep your energy up. We were working on adrenaline alone (and some random naps - well I didn't nap). Until 5:00pm when one of Chris’s friends brought some pizza. That slice of “grandma” (rustic thin crust) pizza would be the last thing I ate that day.
At 5:30 she was examined again and was at 6cm. Her contractions were more regular, stronger, and getting closer together.
At 7:00 her wonderful nurse was about to end her shift so she examined her again and said she was at 8cm… well 5 minutes later, the doctor examined her and she was at 10!!! The nurse's hands must be smaller (or bigger)... whatever the case, it was time!!
The night nurse came in and started setting things up for the home stretch. Hospital rules: only 2 people are allowed to stay in the room while she’s pushing. Rules were broken that night for us. Melissa and I stayed quiet and out of the way so she would let us stay. I’m so thankful that worked. The new nurse was just as wonderful as the day nurse. She was also quick witted… the resident asked in disbelief why they were watching “Jersey Shore”. The nurse turned around and said; “didn’t you hear the name they picked out? Joseph ‘The Situation’ Connell”. We all lost it. Megan included.
Megan’s pushes in the beginning weren’t moving things along since she was new at this. But after a few she was a pro. The nurse and resident’s first estimation was around 9:00, 9:30. At 8:30 the doctor was called in and 5 minutes later, Joseph Andrew was born! He weighed a healthy 8lbs, 3oz and was 21 inches long. I was in the perfect spot and was able to see everything!! It was amazing. I didn’t think of it as looking at my sister’s private parts. In my mind, I separated her from the “business” end and watched the most beautiful thing in nature… a baby being born.
I’m so proud of my sister. She is so strong.
She ended up with a fever towards the end of the labor so the baby went into the NICU for some antibiotics. He didn't go home with her on Wednesday, but only had to stay one extra day and came home Thursday.
Even though I was already an Aunt, this little boy makes me more of an Aunt. Don’t tell Peter, but I may love little Joseph more than my niece Haley. Ok, that’s not fair, but he is my blood and that is so so special. Plus I was one of the first ones to see him. I still tear up thinking about it.
Ok, I'm going to try and keep up with the whole blog thing from now on. Happy Friday! Thanksgiving is next week... WOW! I'm soooo not ready for the holidays, but I love them so I don't mind how quickly they snuck up on me.